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Life, as we know it, has changed. There's no doubt about that.

That's why daring to walk outside the line, right now,

has never been more important. 


Dubbed brand psychologist by Time Inc., my approach is unusual. 

Because I help individuals recognize who they are (so others can) and be more daring in their thinking, actions and leadership.


Because let's face it. There's no point in holding back if 

you want to live an inspiring life.



I came away from an inspiration call with Van completely

super-charged with my mission. With Van, you’re experiencing branding therapy. Her innocuous questions reveal the answers reaching the core of your work. Then, as an entrepreneur, you move on with your business with clarity.


Caroline Stokes

Founder + CEO




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You can keep skimming

the surface of complacency or you can get 90 minutes of life-changing advice. Make a decision

and make it right.


Stacey Turmel

Legal Compliance Attorney







Just like her promise to zing your brand, Van will spark your creative juices,

draw out your story,

play back your thoughts,

zone in on your essence, and it will be a blast:

A day when time will stand still and your unconscious takes form and meaning

with a clarity so obvious you’ll wonder how you didn’t see it. 


Annalie Killian

VP, Strategy & Partnerships

TED speaker

sparks  & honey

New York City




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Nimble, imaginative, passionate, expert, curious, truth teller – all things that elevate a brand engagement with Mary van de Wiel from utterly effective to truly fabulous. 


Nick Stravs


C-Matrix Communications, Lausanne, Switzerland



Van is a one-off. Her creative energy is awesome. She has great style. But most importantly she really understands what makes brands tick — both on the inside and outside in
the market place.

When we worked together in Sydney, she was way ahead of the game, so it’s no surprise to me that today she is

an acknowledged leader and innovator in the global branding space.


Julian Canny

Consultant & Agency Founder

Sydney, Australia


1) What is this idea around Daring to Walk Outside the Line?

If you're a curious, open-minded professional who wants to focus on daring to reimagine your world, let's challenge and recalibrate the way you perceive your brand and your business -- in a way that's more meaningful, relevant and more purposeful to you.


Of course, feeling more exuberant (along the way) makes a big difference. That's the reward of daring to show up. Because it means you're showing up more authentically. 


Why now? 

Because I’m talking to people who are passionate about what they do and they're hopeful about their future BUT they're longing to actually feel more exuberant about creating a more scintillating, more human and more meaningful brand for their business. Starting with a crafting a compelling brand story makes the difference. Starting with daring to be more creative, more playful is the magic piece.


Focus: The Art of the Dare!

The focus of our six-week NY Brand Lab is DARE TO WALK OUTSIDE THE LINE!


So many professionals are concerned their business and brand are on auto pilot or somewhat dysfunctional. Or perhaps irrelevant.


Some of them actually sense they’ve already fallen into the Dead Brand Walking trap. This program is about bringing more energy back to your brand and the business table. And it challenges you to make sure the pulse of your brand is pumping, and showing strong, vital signs.  


Because that kind of energy is why people choose to work with you, buy from you or be in your community.


In our NY Brand Lab program, we'll unpack the components of how to make sure your business never falls into the trap of Dead Brand Walking! We’ll look at the concepts and practices that highlight the difference between a brand that shows a strong, vital pulse and a brand whose lights are clearly OFF. How does that sound for starters?!


+ BTW I hosted my signature NY Brand Lab in my studio in DUMBO, Brooklyn for many years and then, I took it on the road across the US, Mexico and Australia__and now it's going online for the first time!


+ After the program, you’ll leave with your own Brand Manifesto, a written statement declaring your intentions, motives, or views around your brand.


In this program, you'll also walk away with these outcomes:


1. Creativity + Storytelling Learn how to tap into your own authentic story about who you are, what you do and why it matters.


2 Brand Behavior Become aware of the extent to which you show up in your business (like you mean it) and how that actually impacts your potential audience.


3 Master of Serious Play The ability to see outside the lines of sight. It builds trust, brings compassion, a heightened sensitivity and the ability to put yourself in someone else’s position.  This is about rethinking the tone of your voice.


4 Emotional Intelligence Build trust by sharing your story in a new, provocative way. It’s what helps people connect emotionally with you.


5 Meaning + Purpose Spot the difference between your offering of Intangible vs Tangible deliverables. What’s the difference? It will help explain your WHY.


6 Values Your values shape and define who you are, what you do and why you do it. When you can identify and champion your own values (own, live and breathe them), people will feel the difference. 


THE LAB Limited numbers | Starting March 2022

6 weeks | 6 x 75 minute zoom sessions 

Thursdays 12noon EST


BONUS 1 A mini-Brand Audit where I spot the invisible clues shooting you in the foot!

BONUS 2 Your own personalized Black Line Crazy Portrait. (Don't know anything about BLC Portraits?)



Keen to get onboard? Email me__

and let's get on a short call to discuss! Years ago, this one-day workshop was $1997. 



  • The program will be hosted every Thursday at 12noon EST 

  • Each Zoom session is 75-minutes and includes breakout rooms so you’ll get to meet, interact, connect and play with other participants

  • There will always be time for Q and A at the end of each call.

  • Keen to sign up? Email so we can get on a call to discuss Once we've had a call, I’ll send you details re how to register and pay.

  • Due to limited seating, all purchases are final.

I’ll adding more classes down the track. So please don’t hesitate to let me know what’s your top priority moving forward.



1:1 attention, a potent dose of creativity, insights and ideas around how to create more meaningful, emotional messaging around your brand, business and culture.


Imagine: A caffeinated jolt. A clarified vision around your brand's behavior and business’ undeniable value. A supportive, sophisticated space to plot and play and collaborate. And create a dose of bold storytelling that enhances your brand.


Discover your why. After all, it’s much more meaningful than WHAT you do or HOW you do it. Because once you know your WHY, you’ll be able to reframe everything you do. PS People will feel the difference.  This is about zeroing in on that scintillating spark of yours. It's what gives your brand its own highly-idiosyncratic edge.


Keeping your clients at arm’s length? Not an option. We'll work on how to communicate that you are who you say you are. After all, people can spot a Dead Brand Walking a mile away, right? The clues" A listless energy. Lights are off. No one's at home.


Amp up your brand's energy quotient If it's lacking luster, we'll work out what kind of energy you can bring to the table. This will impact your visibility and credibility factor. We’ll look at what’s working and then, what’s shooting you in the foot. We’ll enhance the emotional intelligence behind your brand (EQ) because people today are longing to connect in a more transparent and authentic way.


An emboldening strategy. Let's face it, we're being invited to bring a different kind of energy to all that we’re doing. Creating an engaging & irresistible business brand – with a high emotional quotient – has never been more critical. The good news? It's going to be exactly what leads people to want to know you, trust you, hire you and work with you.


KEEN, WILLING AND READY?!  If this resonates with you, send an email to me: We'll hop on a short call to make sure this is the best workshop for you. Holding my breath!





ESSENTIAL READING:  7 Facts to Wrap your Head Around before Making a Decision


Fact 1:  Emotional intelligence and self awareness  are today’s meta-skills for creating an irresistible brand. Courage and the desire to be transparent is always going to resonate and hit home with people.  Ready to handle that?


Fact 2:  We're now having more conversations 24/7 with more people than ever before. Hello, Zoom. Imagine: thousands of snippets of dialog whirling around your brain. Are you paying enough attention to the story you're actually communicating out there? Are you minding your brand's behavior?  


Fact 3: Your values shape and define who you are, what you do and why you do it. When you can identify and champion your own values (own, live and breath them), your brand is going to be much more compelling. People will feel the difference. How are you doing on this front?


Fact 4:  We’re living in new world. Your brand now needs more clarity in order to make more meaningful connections that are actually going matter to people. How do you think your brand would score on this one?


Fact 5:   Confused minds don’t buy. So if you’re paying attention to what people are longing for and make it easy for them to work with you or buy from you__ you’re going to be way ahead of the pack. Are you offering a transformational experience? If yes, are you noticing people’s eyes gleaming? Hearts beating faster?


Fact 6:  There’s a chance your brand’s invisible clues might be shooting you in the foot and getting in the way of your business success. Ready to take a look at those invisible triggers?


Fact 7:  If you’re willing to go deep and look at recognizing your own value, it’s going to help your business brand get recognized. It’ll help get you noticed, attract clients and consulting opportunities. Willing to go deep?


KEEN, WILLING AND READY?!  If this resonates with you, send an email to me: We'll hop on a short call to make sure this is the workshop for you.











FACT 1  Right now, huge paradigm shifts are changing the way we do business. Let's call it 21C Business Unusual. The possibilities & opportunities out in the world (mixed with the noise and information overload) are expanding at a staggering rate. That means you just have to have a keener sense of clarity around what you do and why you do it__and the ability to make more meaningful, emotional connections with people.  How are you doing on that front?


FACT 2  As digital natives in these particularly surreal times, we’re now having more conversations 24/7 with more people than ever before. Imagine the thousands of snippets of dialog whirling around inside your brain and around your business (every second.) Are you paying attention to the message you’re actually communicating?


FACT 3   Confused minds don’t buy. If you’re mindful about what people are longing for and make it easy for them to work with you or buy from you__ you’re way ahead of the rest.

If you offer a transformational experience, people’s eyes will be gleaming, their hearts beating faster! In the 90-minute Brand Audit, we tap into what you really stand for and why it matters. The Brand Audit is one-part reality check. One-part strategy session. One-part marketing assessment.


PS It’s highly likely your brand’s invisible clues might be shooting you / your business in the foot __ and getting in the way of your business success. (Are you ready to take a look at those invisible triggers?!)


Here’s how it works:

  • Interested to get started? Email and we'll get on the same page re what you're looking for! After that, and making a payment via Zelle or Paypal, we'll schedule a 20-minute introductory chat on zoom. I want to hear what you most need to walk away with after the session. We’ll also schedule a time and date for our 90-minute zoom call. Within the next 24-48 hours, you can expect an Audit Questionnaire document for your responses. I’ll already have tweaked the Audit Questionnaire so it’s highly personalized for you __ full of prods and prompts to help you rethink your brand. FYI Your answers are all strictly confidential, needless to say.

  • My process | 2-hour review and research.  After I receive your document, I review your responses,  prowl around your offline and digital presence, identify the emotional clues embedded throughout your world – including the invisible triggers that tell your audience go away, don’t buy or stick around awhile! I evaluate your messaging, research the market and create some initial findings. I’ll pick up a  sense of the fundamental points of pain around your brand so we’ll move quickly and make sure you walk away  some high-value information. I help you understand not just the tone of your online conversations, but more importantly, identify the underlying invisible clues, issues and intentions behind those dialog snippets.

  • On our scheduled 90-minute Zoom call. You’ll walk away with a clearer vision of your brand and business’ undeniable value – and how to re-package your values, your story or your WHY so your clients lean in closer, eyes gleaming and come back for more. You’ll have creative ideas for a more synergistic and emotional brand dialog that will provoke and captivate your audience. FYI This can provide the foundation for creating powerful, highly effective marketing programs.

  • Then we'll schedule a 45-minute Follow Up Call. We all know that making changes and adjustments can take time. After working on so many Brand Audits in the past 10 years, I’ve found that scheduling follow-up calls makes a big difference. It gives you time to absorb and integrate, then edit and tweak the changes online. The only requirement is that we make this session happen within two months of our initial Brand Audit call. (Deadlines are important because they keep us focused.)


  • Van can switch from multinational to entrepreneur mindsets in a flash – across sectors, channels and audiences but with a brand’s own story running fast through each. She has the instinct of a true marketer that shapes every story right – and a client side manner built on trust and rapport to bring it all together. I think any brand will be the better for being audited by her.”

--- Nick Stravs, EVP International Consulting EMEA Weber Shandwick       Switzerland


Brand Audit Investment: $1750

“Van is the quintessential branding expert.  Her Brand Audits are a “must do” if you want advice on how to quickly capture people’s attention, immediately engage them and have them understand the essence of your brand.  She’s smart and a delight to work with.”

--- Michele Brown, President / Women Presidents’  Organization (WPO)


Next Steps

If you have any questions at all about the process, get in touch — We'll work out what you most need to walk away with, expectations, outcomes and more. Looking forward to working with you!



Inspiring. Intense. Intuitive. Exhilarating. Life Changing. Results oriented. If you're looking to have an outside perspective on all that you are doing around your organization or business brand, get in touch. Email
















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Van’s work opened my eyes to the fact that telling a story about what we do simply isn’t enough. She helped me  realize the power of story.

She was quick to grasp both the opportunities and the challenges our business faces and has inspired me to think differently. Thanks, Van!


Carol Frohlinger, Esq. Principal Negotiating Women Inc.

New York City



Simon Sinek - START WITH WHY






Dorie Clark -
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