You're a curious, intelligent entrepreneur,
consultant, creative thinker (and an optimist!)
But you don't feel your business or brand
is fully expressing who you are.
This 5-day transformational experience is designed
to help women entrepreneurs own
their own highly-individualistic voice, values, story
and tap into their core creative genius
so their business can boldly fulfill your life purpose.
You'll feel recognized, valued and exuberantly confident
around what you stand for and why it matters.


San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
The #1 Travel Destination in the world, as voted by Conde Nast Traveler

Does this sound familiar?
• You're an established entrepreneur and business owner yet you keep wondering why some brands nail it and others fail?
• Or you're looking to leave your corporate life (or perhaps you've already made this transition) but you don’t feel like you’re fully expressing yourself or impacting others in a way that reflects your potential?
• You know you're successful but you still feel your brand doesn't communicate who you are?
• You know you're not zeroing in on that scintillating spark of yours. It's what gives your brand its own highly-idiosyncratic edge. But you can't seem to tap into it, right?
• You're reluctant to go deeper and recognize your own value, Even though it's going to help position you as an authority in your field?
• You’re done: You're ready to walk away from your current state of brand anxiety but have absolutely no idea about where to start?
• You wish you had the courage to show up and share your highly-idiosyncratic brand narrative but not sure what that's really going to look it?
We're also inviting a bigger team of creatives.
to help accelerate your business.
Just take a look (below.)

We're pulling together big brains who will inspire, serve and accelerate your business. #holdyourbreath
A highly-renowned professional photographer who knows how to take exuberantly cool pics will take several headshots to match your new brand energy.
A nationally-known social media/marketing stylist and forecaster will present 2023 trends and critical must-haves when it comes to your digital marketing. Known for her digital audits and unique strategies, you'll learn how to stand out in this competitive digital marketplace.
A leading graphic designer and big-picture visual thinker will present suggestions, tips and new ways of reconsidering your logo. The important thing? It's your own unique visuals that will always tell your story in a much more dramatic and impactful way.
San Miguel de Allende is the ideal magical and artistic environment in which to reimagine your brand. Van is also drawing on her artistic community and collaborators, inviting a few renowned retail visionaries and leading designers in SMA to share their own best-kept secrets,

Van is without question the most creative, energizing and brilliant brand visionary I know. She's able to zero in on a core message and make it sing. She gets whatever point-of-pain you're
experiencing and
knows how to speak to it. Her visual acumen
has a flair that captures eye and mind at the same time.
In addition to being highly talented, she's fun
and entirely pleasurable to work with. I love working with her – pure and simple.
Janet Wigfield, VP
Executive Director
Conferences & Events
Working Mother Media
New York City
So imagine. If you really are:
• willing to look at your business and brand through a different lens? Because I believe your brand is just a feeling people have about you, what you do, why it matters and why anyone should give a damn.
• willing to release those patterns that could be shooting you in the foot? Just decide that you're now going to be transparent and show up -- like you mean it.
• willing to draw out that very highly-individualistic story of yours and communicate that you are exactly who you say you are?
• willing to seriously frame that particular message you’re called to share with the world --- and at the level you know you need to?
The good news? There’s an easier way.
* for starters, San Miguel de Allende is the most magical place in the world to reimagine your business/brand. Seriously.
* Important to know that this is an intensive Brand Lab workshop. You'll get to feel the energy of this colonial town but our focus is making 100% sure your brand reflects exactly who you.
• if you want to create a new service, offering (or you name it) and want to make sure your brand is exuberantly positioned to sway, inspire & influence your new audience Y/N?
• you want 2023 to be the year you’re going to stand behind your creativity and design smarts -- and make a major difference in your business Y/N?
• btw you know that the streets in San Miguel de Allende are steep, hilly and cobblestoned so packing your stilettos? Not a good idea!

I came away from
an inspiration call with Van completely
super-charged with my mission.
With Van, you’re experiencing branding therapy. Her innocuous questions reveal the answers reaching the core of your work. Then, as an entrepreneur, you move on with your business with clarity.
Caroline Stokes
Founder + CEO
Here's my back story.
Hello! I'm Mary van de Wiel. Otherwise known as Van.
My exuberance as a non-linear thinker and a creative interpreter of invisible clues
has always taken center stage! But I'm recognized as an international
branding maverick, educator and visionary in the brand intelligence space.
As creative director and founder of my award-winning branding and design agency
with offices in Brooklyn NY and Sydney, I've always been on a quest for humanizing business.
And, of course, always bringing more meaning and purpose to the business table.
BTW I'm dubbed brand psychologist by corporate clients!
Since successfully selling my agency, I'm working with high-achievers
and entrepreneurial women helping them recognize
who they are --- so others can. Because that’s when real transformation
around your brand and business fully takes place.
What's more, I wear two hats (like most of us!)
Recently I launched my own fashion and lifestyle brand, Black Line Crazy (BLC)
in the middle of Mexico. It all started with bold mark-making (using black acrylic house paint)
So as a branding maverick and as designer/artist, I'll walk you through the entire process of recognizing the value you’re bringing to the table and then, making sure your brand
reflects your core energy, communicates your story, articulates your unique message
and invites people on a special journey.
Because I believe that's exactly where creativity, intention and innovation – boldly interest.
Looking for more info re the Black Line Collection? Take a look
P.S. A Dutch sea captain's daughter, I learned at an early age how to sail.
I'm convinced that's why I can always spot the horizon. Even in stormy weather!

Van is brilliant! It is my honor to encourage others to work
with Van. She is uniquely creative and innovative and she brought that same eye to my work.
She could see my vision whereas others have tried to force their vision on me. Plus her communications style shows keen understanding of business, strategy and service.
She gave specific feedback that helped my brand and marketing grow. It turns out, she also helped me grow as a person too.
Van’s expertise, generosity and zest for life are contagious!
Work with her any chance you get!
Kelly Brynes, Founder, CEO
Professor, Executive Coach
Voyager Consulting Group

Just like her promise to zing your brand, Van will spark your creative juices,
draw out your story,
play back your thoughts,
zone in on your essence, and it will be a blast:
A day when time will stand still and your unconscious takes form and meaning
with a clarity so obvious you’ll wonder how you didn’t see it.
Annalie Killian
VP, Strategy & Partnerships
TED speaker
sparks & honey
New York City
Imagine what it would feel like to:
• Be seen, valued and recognized so you can confidently take next steps in your business.
• Transform your mindset and present yourself easily to those who most need your work.
• Recognize and own the true value you bring to the table and have that reflected in the way you and your brand are presented online and in person.
• Know exactly what makes your brand different and why people will want to work with you and buy from you.
• Nail your brand story and messaging in the most real, human way, allowing your audience to develop a natural know, like and trust factor with you.
• Be bold. Feel empowered. And walk away with a twinkle in your eye and a spring in your step!
Here’s what you can count on:
1:1 attention from me, plus a potent dose of creative insights, big concept ideas, copy slants and more.
Tapping into what’s your purpose behind your brand and how to bring more meaning to the table.
A look at what’s really going on beneath the surface of your brand, analyze what’s working (and what's not).
Revisit your values: Being mindful and values-influenced is going to inspire others. It’s the key factor to building long-term trust with your customers.
We'll discover YOUR WHY. After all, it’s much more meaningful than WHAT you do or HOW you do it. It will reframe everything you do. Guess what? People will feel the difference.
The opportunity to reimagine, rethink and rewrite your brand story so it reveals exactly who you are. People will want to buy from you because they’ll pick up on the authentic messaging.
A supportive and energizing space to plot, play, collaborate, connect and zing with like-minded people. FYI This is about interaction, connection and getting real feedback from others, too. You’ll walk away transformed by the possibilities.

Van is a one-off. Her creative energy is awesome. She has great style. But most importantly she really understands what makes brands tick — both on the inside and outside in
the market place.
When we worked together in Sydney, she was way ahead of the game, so it’s no surprise to me that today she is
an acknowledged leader and innovator in the global branding space.
Julian Canny
Consultant & Agency Founder
Sydney, Australia
A 5-day Intensive Schedule
• Group Session on setting your HIGLY-IDIOSYNCRATIC VALUES. You’ll define and revisit your values so they resonate with you and your audience. Being values-influenced inspires, infuses and refreshes your brand story with more meaning. You’ll see that your audience will be clamoring to buy from you or work with you.
• Group Session on MEANING AND PURPOSE. We’ll turn the lens inward on your intention, values, emotions, goals, dreams and hopes so your messaging will resonate more with people -- and hit home.
• Group Session on YOUR WHY. We’ll set out on the journey of discovering YOUR WHY. After all, it’s much more meaningful that WHAT you do or HOW you do it. Because once you know your WHY, you’ll be able to reframe everything you do. People will feel the difference. Guaranteed.
You’ll focus on raising the Emotional Intelligence (EQ) around your own brand and business. It takes a willingness to connect in a more transparent and authentic way. It’s exactly what creates more trust.
• Group Sessions on CREATIVITY + BRAND STORY.
This is an opportunity to reimagine and rewrite your brand story so it reveals who you are and what you stand for. People will want to buy from you and work with you because they’ll pick up on the authentic messaging. This is about fully owning your work, story, style and messaging and expand your vision to inspire deeper transformation and offer greater service. (You’ll never keep your audience at arm’s length again.)
​5 x Juicy Brand Bonuses:
You'll get to sit on the hot seat for Van's signature Brand Audit where, with a laser-sharp focus, she’ll spot, identify and interpret the invisible clues embedded in your brand – and the best part? She'll transform them into more irresistible, heart-felt language. On the spot.
Visit Van’s BLC studio to explore all the products she’s been designing and her latest work. What’s more, she’ll share some crazy stories about how it all happened including some of the big mistakes she made along the way.
We'll make time to whisk you away to see some inspiring spots in town. You’ll leave San Miguel de Allende wishing you were coming back (sooner than later!)
To keep you accountable and moving forward, we’ll schedule 2 x 30-minute calls (over the next 2 months following June 16, 2023) to check in with you and monitor the progress you’re making. We’re going to make sure you’re confident and moving forward.
Your very own Black Line Crazy portrait! Van will use one of your NEW head shots and create a crazy, compelling and special image of you. Corporate clients pay her big bucks to create a BLC portrait, for example, as a farewell gift for one of their corporate executives! #holdyourbreath

PRICING: The NY Brand Lab Intensive 2024
To be determined
FIVE DAY: USD Single Occupancy
FIVE DAY: USD Double Occupancy
To make sure it’s a good fit for you, schedule a call with Van. Email
Payment Includes:
• Five-day Brand Lab Intensive sessions, presentations, exercises & materials
• 6-night accommodation at a luxury, design-influenced private residence in one of the best parts of town.
• Spectacular rooftop terrace and spectacular sunset views of The Parroquia, as well as private courtyards. There are 3 bedrooms in the design-oriented private residence, each with an ensuite bathroom. One bedroom has a king bed, the second bedroom has a queen bed and one bedroom has twin beds.
• In addition, four stunning private bedrooms with ensuite bedrooms are available in a beautiful hacienda/boutique hotel directly across the street. It has pool and the same rooftop terrace and amazing sunset views. There are single occupancy and double occupancy bedrooms available.
• Saturday night welcome cocktails on arrival on June 10th. Includes dinner on the roof top. Ditto a farewell dinner on the rooftop.
• All sumptuous meals: full breakfasts, catered lunches and superb dinners every night in some of the best restaurants in San Miguel
• Transportation to and from the Queretaro airport or Leon, Guanajuato airport in Mexico.
What's not included:
Only your airfare. All you need to think about is booking your flight!
What to say about Van?
That’s a tall order!
Van is a prodigious thinker. One of those rare individuals who can effortlessly fuse creative insight and intuition with razor-edge intellect. Van is as comfortably eloquent with words as she is fluent with the language of visual communication.
Succinct, sharp and always sophisticated in everything she does, Van is a true original. In short,
I would have no hesitation to recommend her for any creative or branding workshop or assignment where big ideas
play center stage.
Mark Rogers
RAW Design & Innovation
New York City

You're interested. Great!
We're planning the next Brand Lab
in San Miguel de Allende
in 2024!
If you're interested, email me:

Van looks at life through the lens of an artist, consultant and philosopher
and looks at brands in a similarly dynamic way that is just right for
our hectic times. From the heart, her energy and creativity infuse all her work for the brands and the communities they serve. Her outlook is also shaped by a career of amazing leadership appointments. Any brand will be the better for meeting her.
Nick Stravs
Agency and Campaign Principal
Montreux, Switzerland + Sydney, Australia

The Business of Brand Intelligence